Aside from its aesthetic drawbacks, poor posture can lead to a variety of health related dysfunctions from back pain and headaches, to poor digestion, high blood pressure, and impaired respiration. Structural imbalances can often be the underlying cause of a variety of injuries from meniscus tears to disc herniations. Fortunately, posture can be corrected through a properly prescribed strengthening, stretching, and mobilization program. The key to designing such a program is in a comprehensive Postural Analysis and length/tension assessment. There are far too many trainers in this industry who skip over this crucial and necessary step in exercise prescription. YOUR PROGRAM IS ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR ASSESSMENT!
My Postural Analysis will assess faulty posture and discrepancies in all planes of movement, while addressing length/tension ratios from head to toe. This data will be the foundation in formulating each INDIVIDUAL client’s needs. Blindly stretching and strengthening every single muscle in the body is a common mistake. Corrective exercise can be as simple as stretching the short/tight muscles, while strengthening the long/weak muscles. The first step is identifying exactly which muscles need to be worked on.