If you don’t know about Weston A. Price, it’s time to go to school.
Known as the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition” Dr. Price traveled the globe in the 1930’s, studying the diets and nutrition of various cultures to see not only the impact on teeth, but overall health. He found that the Modern Western Diet (particularly flour, sugar, and seed oils) cause nutritional deficiencies that lead to many dental issues and health problems. Conversely, Dr. Price found that beautiful straight teeth, freedom from decay, stalwart bodies, and resistance to disease were typical of native peoples on their traditional diets, rich in essential food factors. In other words, some of the poorest people living off of their native lands were leaps and bounds healthier than some of the richest people living in advanced societies, but eating processed foods.
I highly recommend visiting the Weston A. Price Foundation website for a huge array of life changing articles. Below is a small snippet of the Foundation’s 11 dietary principles. Click on each one for more information.

These are “bite-size” versions of each of our 11 principles. Click on each photo to learn more!