I drink wine myself. But if we are honest with ourselves, we drink wine because of the way it makes us feel, not to get healthy and fit.
1) All alcohol is metabolized as sugar in the body. And we all know how detrimental sugar is to the body. But, in case you’ve convinced yourself otherwise: Inflammation, Insulin resistance, ADD, Weight gain, Diabetes, and it’s cancer’s favorite food.
2) Alcohol is a displacement food. Meaning it costs vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals to metabolize. Plus, only 5% of all wines sold are organic. So, your body also has to work to detox from pesticides, fertilizers, and fungicides. Whatever antioxidant properties wine might have are far outweighed by this loss.
3) The heavy pour. A glass of wine is supposed to be 5oz. Most people follow the pour that they get at restaurants which is more like 8oz. So when someone has 2 glasses of wine, is typically 3.
4) Alcohol, stress, and gluten are the 3 main causes of leaky gut syndrome. This sets the stage for the development of food allergies, inflammation, and a suppressed immune system.
5) Things that are healthy usually don’t fuck you up. Eating too much broccoli, for example, won’t impair your judgment, dull your senses, make you get into a fight, or give you a hangover.
An indirect health benefit of wine would be that it temporarily reduces stress, which is at the root of most diseases and illnesses. However, there are many alternative healthier ways to decrease stress without trading one problem for another.