If you don’t know about Weston A. Price, it’s time to go to school. Known as the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition” Dr. Price traveled the globe in the 1930’s, studying the diets and nutrition of various cultures to see not only the impact on teeth, but overall health. He found that the Modern Western Diet
The FDA banning Red dye #3 was a welcomed, yet surprising move earlier this year. I wish I wasn’t so jaded toward this corrupt government agency, but their track record speaks for itself (trans fats, rBGH, tobacco products, ephedra, etc). Although they did come to their senses and ban these previously approved products (after enough
Seed Oils. Public enemy #1? Quite possibly. The detrimental effects of a known villain like sugar has been widely broadcasted and accepted for a while now. However the mainstream media has only just begun to shine a light on seed oils. Much of the population is still frighteningly in the dark. This article from drhyman.com
Most of us never think twice about the potential toxicity of common household products. Trying to understand and navigate through the toxins and pollution OUTSIDE of our homes is hard enough. It seems like everything out there is polluted or degraded: the air, the water, our food supply, etc. What about the toxins right inside
It’s estimated that over half of Americans suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome. The frightening part is that most people don’t even know they have it. One reason is that the symptoms overlap with other more common illnesses and issues (IBS, skin issues, inflammation, fatigue). Another reason is that the mainstream medical community doesn’t quite accept
I’m constantly hearing questions about protein macro levels and creatine. The questions used to mainly come from men looking to “get swole”, but now it seems like everyone is exploring these pathways to better health. The answer to the protein question is always “it depends” (on objectives, weight, training regimen, etc). And the creatine answer
Although aluminum technically isn’t a heavy metal (it’s a bit too light for that), it does share many of the toxic side effects. However, the versatility of aluminum foil and the fact that it’s been a staple of American kitchens for decades, sort of causes it to fall outside of our toxin radar. Most would
Is there anything more important than sleep? If you doubt the importance, consider that one of the most effective forms of torture is sleep deprivation. Given that sleep plays such a vital role in our health and well being, how much time and effort do you spend on looking into what you’re sleeping ON? Does
Back in the Holiday season of 2024, I sent a text out to all of my past and present clients wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving, but also giving them a little pep talk. I didn’t discourage eating, drinking or being merry. However, I did provide some tips and hacks to provide a shield against some