Up to 40% of American adults are reported to have sleep disorders. 75% of people with depression also have some form of sleep disorder. Is that enough to get your attention?
The fact is that the few of us who actually do get the requisite 8 QUANTITY of sleep don’t get great QUALITY sleep.That comes down to sleep hygiene. We get to bed way too late (which throws our circadian rhythm off). We over-stimulate our brains with electronics until seconds before our head hits the pillow. And we snack late at night which puts us into a blood sugar rollercoaster while our bodies are trying rest, regenerate, and rejuvenate. This article from bengreenfieldfitness.com details some of the most practical ways for us to naturally take control of our sleep and bedtime routine. Spoiler alert: Checking social media right before you climb into bed might just be the worst thing you can do.